Shipping & Return Policy


How long does delivery take?

Shipping within Germany takes 1-3 working days. The processing time for us to produce and ship your order is an additional 1-4 business days .

Within the EU the shipping time is 3-6 working days . The processing time is also 1-4 business days .

Do you need your order faster? Write to us using the contact form or by email to and we will see what we can do for you.

How much are the shipping costs?

Standard shipping DE: €3.85

We also offer free standard shipping (within Germany) for orders over €70 .

Shipping within the EU: €8.00

Where do I see my tracking number?

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation with all details about your order and a tracking number. You can use this to track your order and see the expected arrival of your delivery.

Alternatively, you can also view the shipment details using the link in your order confirmation.

Which countries do you deliver to?

We currently deliver to Germany and countries within the European Union .

My shipment didn't arrive. What can I do?

If you haven't already done so, check the shipment status again using your tracking number. Sometimes this is changed subsequently by DHL. If the status remains unchanged, then contact us using the contact form below or by email to and we will find a solution :)

Gift wrapping

At checkout there is the option to add gift wrapping for €3.

The item will be shipped in a jewellery box with pink cardboard packaging. The jewellery box is decorated with a bow and delicate rose buds are added. In addition, the pink packaging box is packed in a packaging envelope so that the pink box can be given away directly as a gift box.

In the event of a return, the costs for gift wrapping will not be refunded.

Wrong address

If your order has not yet been shipped, please contact us as soon as possible so we can change your address in time. Unfortunately, once the order has been dispatched, it is no longer possible to modify the address.

If a package is returned to us, the return shipping costs incurred will be passed on to you (Return within Germany: €2 | International Return: €4). Should you wish to have your package reshipped, you will be responsible for the new shipping costs (€3.85) plus the return shipping costs (Germany: €2 | International: €4) for the original package.


How do I return an item?

Email us at or use our contact form, and provide your order number as well as the item(s) you wish to return. You can then send the jewelry back to the following address:

Sophia Kirschner
Astrid-Lindgren-Weg 5
73614 Schorndorf

To ensure we can correctly match your order, please include a small note with your order number.

You can send the jewellery back in the original box/envelope. Just make sure to correctly indicate the address. It’s also a good idea to take a photo of the properly stamped package or the shipping receipt in case of loss.

Once the jewelry has arrived, the amount for the jewelry will be refunded to your original payment method within 1-2 weeks. You will also receive a confirmation email once the refund has been processed (please check your spam folder if necessary).

Returning Necklaces:
Please close the necklaces and hang them in the jewelry box or necklace card as they were delivered to prevent tangling during return shipping.

How much does a return cost?

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide you with labels for returns. The buyer therefore bears the shipping costs for the return.

If you send the jewellery back in the same box in which you received it, you can either send it back as a Maxibrief (€3.85) or as a BüWa shipment 500 (€1.95) -> Via Deutsche Post

How long does the right of return apply?

After receiving the goods, you have 30 days to return your item.

When will the refund take place?

Once the returned item has arrived, the amount for the jewelry will be refunded to your original payment method within 1-2 weeks. You will receive an email from us once the refund has been processed.

In the case of a return, the cost of gift wrapping will not be refunded.

Can I exchange my order?

Unfortunately it is currently not possible to exchange your order. To exchange the item, you would first have to return the item you ordered and then place a new order.
